The Sound Carpet is a captivating installation by Esther Boesche that transforms everyday materials into an extraordinary sensory experience. Created with thousands of sharp nails meticulously poked through a reflective isolation sheet, the work resembles a glittering, ethereal magic carpet. The shimmering surface invites viewers to engage physically and audibly; when touched or brushed by hand, it produces mysterious, melodic metallic sounds.
This interplay between its tactile and auditory qualities evokes a sense of wonder, challenging perceptions of materials often associated with industrial use. The contrast between the carpet’s inviting appearance and the sharpness of its nails adds a layer of tension, blending beauty, danger, and discovery. Sound Carpet exemplifies Boesche’s ability to transform the mundane into an immersive, multisensory artwork.
Sound Carpet
45 x 80 in.
Reflective Isolation Sheet, Steel Nails in various sizes